Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In A Month

So, in a month a lot of things are happening! I will find out if I'm having a boy or a girl.  (I don't have any girl names...EEK), and Tim finishes school! He's currently working and going to school, so he's gone about 15 hrs a day doing both.  It's awesome, and extra money and benefits are wonderful, but it's hard to not see him but an hour a day.
So...girl names.  I don't know why I can't find one that I absolutely adore? Here are some on the list.  I really like the name Rose - but I think I like it for a middle name.
But my husband doesn't like Erin or Harper....Erin because his nephew's name is Aaron, and Harper because he knew someone who's last name was Harper that he didn't like.  And he isn't crazy about Ella because he said it sounds old.
/SIGH. Compromise is hard.

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

OH I love Ella. "old" names are in by the way. I've toyed around with the name Ruby if I were to ever have a girl - that's an older name too. Ella Rose is a beautiful name I think. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I hope you do have a girl though - that would be way fun! Can't wait to find out! (o: