I've always found studying my personality, and people's impressions of my personality fascinating. It's always appealed to me to take the stupid tests that come on the internet to see if I'm more like a certain movie star, or classified as a certain kind of car. I simply love delving into how others perceive me and how similar or different it is to the way I perceive myself. I look at astrology in much the same way and find it truly interesting to find out what someone decided the stars said about me...and my personality...so here you go, my natal chart :).
You have the planetary pattern called the 'seesaw' type. With your planets divided into two distinct groups, you are very balanced in your outlook, always being aware of both sides of an issue, always able to compromise between opposing points of view. In this way you are quite similar to a Libra personality.
Yod, focal planet Sun
You have a Yod planetary aspect pattern in your chart, also known as the 'finger of God'. This pattern consists of two different planets forming Inconjunct aspects of 150` to a third, or focal, point. Usually there will be a marked emphasis on the area of life represented by this focal point, which may be one planet, or two or more in conjunction. You may have physical or psychological problems associated with the expression of the energies of the focal planet or planets, creating a subtle form of tension in your life. Your lesson is to transform the expression of these energies along more positive lines.
The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality and your evolving higher Self. In the sign Taurus it is Fixed-Earth, and rules the throat. Your ruling planet is Venus. Taureans revel in the pleasures of life. You crave the security and comfort of relaxing in the warmth of your home environment. You value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. You are likely to work hard to make your home an attractive one. You also have the makings of a healer and you have a large capacity for kindness. Although you are quiet on the surface, almost passive, you possess a powerful will and can be quite stubborn at times, and perhaps somewhat rigid in your thinking. You also tend to be loving, obedient and loyal. Material rewards seem to come easily to you, and you are able to lead the good life without being excessively concerned about it. You are practical, and provide a purposeful, productive and stabilizing influence for yourself and those around you.
The Sun in the Seventh House represents a concentration of the vital force to relate with others in partnership. You gravitate towards others, who serve to reflect your deeper self back to you. You prefer working together with another person, rather than strictly on your own. You enjoy developing the exchange of interpersonal expression and joint efforts. You have an intuitive sense of what partnership requires, and strive to become more aware of the inner needs of two people relating with one another on a committed basis. You are very aware of the other as a mirror for your own selfhood. You sense yourself as part of a unit rather than merely an isolated ego. You may keenly feel the need for an intimate partner to flesh out your unconscious areas of self, and you may alternate between losing your sense of self from within relationship to finding your sense of identity and power in that way. You benefit from recognizing that everything you seek in another is really an important part of yourself, and that being involved with others on an interpersonal level is a means of exploring your own basic nature.
Important Features
Venus in Taurus (6° Tau 47') Venus in the Seventh House
Venus in Taurus gives an earthy and practical love nature, very ardent and nurturing. This is a powerful placement of Venus, and your emotions are strong and long-lasting. You are very loyal, and also apt to be a trifle possessive. You know what you want to get out of life, and can be quite stubborn about it. You are also very sensual, social and easy to get along with. Living in the material world comes naturally to you. You have good luck with finances, and would excel in professions such as lawyer, real estate broker, or loan officer. Gardening and personal or home décor are likely hobbies. You like living the good life, and you will always have an abiding sense of enjoyment from music and the arts.
Venus in the Seventh House represents a strongly felt connection to partnerships with others. Relationships are important to you. You are also inclined to be "young at heart". You feel at your best when acting in concert with another person, especially an intimate partner. Then your natural gifts of grace, diplomacy and charm come to the fore. What is nice on your own becomes really nice with another. You have a gentle personality, very considerate and kind. You also have refined aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and a keen sense of color. You have the potential to excel in many professions, including legal work and diplomacy. You tend to idealize your chosen love partner, and you benefit from the realization that the true source of grace and beauty in your life comes from within your own nature.
Pluto in Libra (22° Lib 41'R) Pluto in the First House
Pluto in the First House (or sign) gives you a tremendous drive to transform yourself as you go through life. You have a powerful personality, and a charismatic way about you that others respect. You may actually appear to be timid or unsure of yourself on the surface, but you have the potential to suddenly burst out in anger due to repressed emotions finally exploding. You are also apt to sweep all aspects of your former life before you in a sudden change that it seems simply must come. You may feel insecure or afraid or perhaps jealous of others at times, and may compensate by being extremely forceful. You can also be compulsive, even obsessive, in achieving your will. You have the power to really get things done, and this power can be used either to bolster your own ego or else for the good of all concerned. Your challenge is movement away from feelings of insecurity and resulting separateness and loneliness, toward an acceptance of your own and other's needs and opinions in order to generate a new and better sense of self. In your most positive manifestation, you possess a dedication to higher ideals and a willingness to be a channel for healing yourself and society.
The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:
Pluto in Libra (or the seventh house) gives you a focus on forming close emotional attachments. You may have difficulties in marriage and partnerships; but there are also great rewards to be gained in this area. You may feel a compulsion to be liked by others. Conversely, you can also become involved in power struggles with partners. You have a depth of passion within you that isn't obvious or recognized, and you may seek to project this power drive onto a relationship partner, rather than directly own up to it. You may therefore find yourself in relationship with dark or manipulative personality types, who may exhibit openly the tendencies you have yourself at a more hidden level. You are likely to go through many changes in your relationship dynamic, as you come to understand more fully your inner process. You may exhibit strong attractions toward close involvement with another person, and simultaneously have fears regarding such attachments. Time and moving through the fires of difficulties may lead you to a painful re-examination of your goals in these areas. Wisdom is required in the handling of close relationships in order to transform the partnership energy into a growing and conscious act of sharing, and to find your own inner strength independent of others around you.
Moon in Sagittarius (12° Sag 38' 20") Moon in the Second House
The moon in Sagittarius gives an uninhibited, freedom-loving personality which may incline to the restless. You are very idealistic, and see the best side of everyone. You are happy and fun to be around. You are also apt to be impatient. You tend to react to situations with action rather than with reflection. You can also be unrealistic in your approach to situations. You should learn to temper your idealism with reality in setting out to achieve your high aspirations.
The Moon in the Second House represents being emotionally connected with one's values, with one's possessions, or the material things in this world. You may feel that your self-worth is connected with the physical manifestation of material wealth or material comfort. Your values are very important to you. You may feel compelled toward gaining material wealth or possessions when your emotional life is unfulfilling. You can also be quite generous. Your finances may fluctuate throughout your lifetime as you move through various emotional growth phases. When you follow your gut feelings you are likely to be successful financially. You excel in occupations which deal with meeting the wants and needs of other people. You feel most comfortable and secure when your values and emotions are clearly defined and you can act upon them.
Neptune in Sagittarius (24° Sag 40'R) Neptune in the Third House Neptune in the Third House (or sign) gives a clever personality with subtle charm. You are witty and poetic. You are fond of higher education, but you tend to be a dreamer and may miss out on serious study because of it. You see the world through the mystical third eye, rather than the usual binocular setup that allows most people to get along. Because of your extraordinary visionary viewpoint you may see more than others and also miss out on some of the mundane details. You may suffer some confusion regarding communication received, or perhaps where close relatives are concerned, or have feelings of insecurity stemming from your early years, that carries over into adult life. You can be indecisive and worrisome but you are also broad-minded and mentally creative. It benefits you to learn to focus your considerable creative potential, and to let yourself become a channel for higher forms of thought to flow into your own life, and through you into the world around you.