Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The New Year

Here's one of the devestating ice is too heavy for the winter trees, and breaks...and inturn breaks power lines. YUCK!
Ice is so pretty on the trees at this time of year...but also devestating. Here's a pretty pic.

I have mixed feelings about new year's resolutions. While it's wonderful to want to develop yourself into a better person, kick bad habits, etc...I think people use these as excuses. Ok, maybe I'm not making any sense. But lets think about it. How many new year's resolutions have you actually made and kept?? I venture to say far fewer than you've broken. I know that's true for myself. I can't even remember a resolution I've ever kept. Sad, but true. So this year I'm taking a stand...I'm vowing to make NO MORE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. I am now and forever going to make all my life changing decisions some other time during the year, I have decided. I think this will help with my overall morale and feelings of failure at keeping the resolutions, and maybe it will give me the motivation I need to keep the changes in place. I hope so :).

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