Thursday, January 17, 2008


Happiness is something people are spending their whole lives trying to attain. For some it's a place you get to when you achieve success, for others little pleasures in life bring joy. For far too many it’s a goal just out of reach, always something else needed to attain to achieve it, or some other milestone must be crossed before they expect happiness. For children it's almost expected for them to find the pure joy in little activities like making mud pies in the back yard, or finding their favorite candy in the candy dish and being allowed to eat it.

Happiness for adults, is sadly more complicated. I think thought and ideas and stress of trying to get things perfect, live up to whomever’s expectations, and just the trials of life drag adults down until they forget that happiness CAN be found in the little things. And I also firmly believe that happiness is all about your perception of life and how you choose to react to circumstances, your frame of mind if you will. Because I love quotes and I think this one is appropriate I'm going to throw it in now....wait for it...ok here you go:

"A happy person is not the person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes." Hugh Downs.

Attitudes…J I like it. I try to live in that attitude, but sometimes it eludes me and other times it is just out of reach. I think of happiness personally as a life long adventure to always find those little things that brings a smile to your lips and warmth to your heart.

And I still get excited if I can find my favorite candy in the candy dish.

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