Friday, January 25, 2008

I Am Not Nice Enough to Be...

Today I discovered things about myself. Exciting, huh? I love learning new things. Anyhow, from the beginning…I was thinking about me, and who I am and my personality in relation to jobs etc and which I'd clearly lack the 'niceness' quality to be. By niceness quality, I'm talking about the one that is comforting to all, regardless of your actions and how stupid whatever you just did was, and truly finding the strength to want to help this person without beating sense into them.

For example, nursing is a profession beyond what I could ever undertake. For one, I can't do blood or insert needles into someone, I think I would throw up...or pass-out or both, which is probably a prereq to being in the field. You cannot throw up or pass out on patients probably ranks right up there with washing your hands before you touch them or something. But the other quality I think I'm lacking is my inability to not want to hit someone who lets say ran with scissors and got them stuck in his nose. Or pushed popcorn kernels in his ears...these things would be a trifle annoying to me. Kids are understandably going to stick stuff places, but adults should definitely know better. I would probably laugh at the first adult that came in with something like that wrong with them On the flipside to that coin, I also think I would bring too much emotion to the table for a family that was going through something hard…crying with them, trying to comfort them, getting too close. In short, nursing is not for me.

Come to think of it, I don’t think I could do any of the medical professions well…see above for reasons. Even psychiatry would be difficult for me, while the blood issue would be moot, I would still have problems with people wallowing and their inability to move on after a certain period of time. After a while, I’m afraid, I would tell them to just do something already and stop being stupid. This is probably not the best thing to tell someone who is seeing a psychiatrist. Then there would also be the cases where I would get too close, and feel too much taking on their problems as my own. That would be exhausting.
My issue that would fluctuate between wanting people to stop being stupid, and wanting to help so much their problems became my own keeps me out of the professions that require the ‘niceness’ quality. Instead, I will doodlebug having to deal with issues beyond what is personal in nature is much easier for me to distance myself from. While people are stupid everywhere, and I’m including myself in that category, it’s always easier for me to take the easy way out of dealing with them personally. This is because I’m not tolerant enough, and also because I am too empathetic….weird combo, I know.

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