Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Parties-Work-Parties and Whatever Other Randomness I can Come up with

So my friend had what looked like a terrific party for her son last weekend, and it has inspired me to start thinking about Dylan's birthday party! But I am uninspired....I have NO idea what to do for a kid that is turning two while we are living in an apartment. Everything that you can go to like the jump houses or chuckeecheese either seem too old, too expensive, or too generic.
I could have a pool party at our apartment pool...but is the end of September a good time to be swimming? Alas I have no idea...I will continue to brainstorm - and am welcoming all ideas on this front.
I am playing catch up today at work - funny isn't it? I am blogging instead of catching up! Oh well, it has waited this long it can wait a few more minutes. Anyhow, during my mundane catching up at work thing I have been thinking about life. Don't worry, I am not going to get philisophical - just thinking about boring things like what to serve for dinner, and the fact that I sold my stock yesterday and wonder when that check will come in, and that diapers are so freaking expensive - and perhaps I should invest in one of those companies, and when are we going to get Tim's car out of the shop - because I am tired of paying for a rental. AND, I have been throwing royal pity parties for myself and really need to stop that.
Yes, I have been acting like I am 2. I get all bent out of shape for NO apparent reason - or even if I have a reason, I am overreacting. I am starting to get on my own nerves. So, I am vowing on my blog, with my vast audience of 1 or 2 people as a witness, to try harder to not get so pissy - I'll keep you posted.
So, I have also been thinking about a new car! We are going to consolidate to one vehicle instead of two and trade in both of our cars for one car. Any ideas? My husband wants to get this car, and I don't know how I feel about it. This is going to be MY car not his! Maybe I'm just being pissy again. Anyone else have any ideas? Something gas friendly prefered!
I think I succeeded in all over the map on this one :) I hope everyone else followed my disconnected thought process!


Jennifer Owens said...

Tommy was my greatest source of inspiration for my party. Since he loves swimming and water and just getting wet, I just ran with what he loves and made a party around that. What is Dylan's favorite toy or book or the thing he is into? Once you have a theme decided on, just start googling ideas and make the party what works for you - at your apartment or in a park, etc. Just a few tips from the party queen. (o;

And pity parties....I do those well too. It's hard been grown up sometimes. I've decided.

And a Lexus - WOW! Nice car. I'm all about what can I get for the least amount of money with the best gas mileage - but that's just me.

I always follow your thought process. It comes natural to me. (o:

Miss Elanious said...

You might consider having a photo booth set up at the party to give it a memorable feel. I know there are companies out there that have mobile set ups.

Hope you feel better soon.