Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Catching up :)

A lot has happened recently! Maybe not monumental excitingness, but a lot for my family just the same.

We got our new couch - and YES it's purple :)! I got a rug too, thank you Tim for the very nice anniversary present!
I also got very pretty anniversary flowers marking the 2nd year of our marriage! Yay Tim! And we went to a VERY nice restaurant for our anniversary dinner - and it was super yummy and ritzy and fancy.
D taught Tim how to play on his bike - and he went along for a ride for extra measure
We've had some fun at McDonalds - these guys are just too cute together aren't they? <3

D has tried to convince us to join him playing in the mud - but he had a lot of fun in it by himself!
We have had fun playing outside...and BOY has it been HOT! I never thought I'd want to go back to the cold...but I'm ready for some cool at least, and so is D! Just look at those cheeks!
My mother-in-law came for a visit and surprised D by getting him the very thing he has been wanting (if an almost 2 year old can tell you such things). He sure enjoys his early birthday present :).
Our little family has had a lot of fun the past few weeks, and I'm looking forward to a busy weekend schedule ahead! Sooooo nice to be home and be able to call the place I am actually living that. We are going to try to trade in our cars for one (keep your fingers crossed!), and we are going to have D's birthday party in a few weeks, we are going to a McNeese game to see my sister, and I am trying to get more involved in the Women's ministry at church...TRYING. We shall see...in the meantime we are having lots of fun enjoying each other on a day to day basis just doing the regular excitingness stuff :).


Jennifer Owens said...

I love that you are finally in a season of life that has you enjoying some of the regular every-day life things. Like sharing meals and being able to own furniture and just being together as a family. That makes me smile for you.

I LOVE D's smile in his fun little car. He's ridiculously happy and it's so fun to see that much joy on his precious little face!

Miss Elanious said...

Purple couches are the stuff that happiness is made of! Congratulations!