Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Couches & Stars

So, incase you haven't noticed...I like stars. As in the shape...I'm not so much into the actual thing in the sky defined as :A fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun. Just so you know what I'm talking about.
I need to redecorate Dylan's room. At the moment it's a conglomeration of things that I had in my old room when I owned that house in Chickasha. It looks half done. So there are western style stars on one wall of his room, and I think he needs more or something different up there. I don't know if he's going to be a western kind of guy. Perhaps I can just find other stars that aren't so westerny to put sporadically in the mix to help change it up. I also want to find his name that I painted right after he was born, it was cute :) and he needs more wall decor.
Also, I want a couch. Like a lot. Its not just that I want a place to sit while I"m watching TV, it's also that I want something to take up space in the middle of my living room so my husband and son are less inclined to dump crap all over the empty space. Good motivation yes? I don't even know if that will help...sadly enough.
So I have been perusing couches, and for some reason I totally love THIS one. I also think THIS one looks awesomely comfortable. Perhaps sometime this weekend I will be able to convince my hubby to go couch shopping with me! :)

1 comment:

Jennifer Owens said...

Ooo couch shopping - fun! (o: I love the color of the first one, and the practicality of the second. Leather is super awesome because it can like never get dirty - speaking from experience. (o: