Thursday, December 8, 2011

BL - hold the T kick

So lately I have been lazy and not bringing my lunch. I just haven't had the energy or time or want to to (can you do that? to to? well, whatever I'm doing it) make lunches in the evening. Normally I dutifully prepare my lunch and a snack for D and my husband's lunch the evening before...but since I have come back from Thanksgiving I have not done it. 2 weeks is a long time to be eating out for lunch! Especially when you aren't used to the money being spent that way...oh well! In that time I have been eating BL's (because tomatoes are gross) from the little cafe downstairs in my office building.
Their food is not very a rule eating there is kind of scary, but I have been on this BL kick for the past 2 weeks, and although I'm sure consuming that much bacon is not good for you - I have enjoyed it. I have forgotten how much I enjoy simple things like BL's or eggs and bacon for dinner. I think I have been overthinking meals for a while now, and serving things that take too long or are too 'fancy'. Like cornish hens with cream cheese mashed potatoes (which btw, no one liked except me).
My mom was never a good cook - she still isn't. We had about 8 go to meals we ate every week without fail: Spaghetti (sauce from the jar - Prego please :)), bbq baked chicken (and for so long I could not eat bbq sauce after that!), sloppy joes (I still haven't tried to eat these again!), hamburger helper, breakfast for dinner (mostly pancakes), roast (because what is a Sunday dinner without a roast?), and hamburgers. Pretty adventurous huh? She didn't bake anything that wasn't out of a box but she did make candy every Christmas! But none of that was really very important I suppose. What is important is I remember those dinners. She worked as a teacher and came home and we ate dinner together. She did it mostly on her own as my father traveled a lot when I was younger.
I need to go back and simplify the meals. It isn't about what I serve or how many desserts or cookies or whatnots I make, but about the time we spend together - even if it is McDonalds or bbq baked chicken!

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