Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 mths!

Little Dylan is getting big! He is already 6 mths old! Here's some fun things about Dylan so far:
-he loves to bounce! In your arms, on the floor and in his bouncer!
-he has tried almost all of the Gerber first foods and has been eager to eat them all!
-he weighs 15 lbs 1 oz
-he was unable to be properly measured cause of his wiggle worm qualities, but we are guessing between 27 and 28 inches!
-the doctor said he's healthy and a tall and skinny baby. She predicted he's going to be.a beanpole
-he rolls over constantly! He loves it and is really getting good at it!
These first 6 mths have flown, but I've enjoyed everything. I can't wait to see what's in store next!

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