Friday, January 29, 2010

No, I'm not perfect

Looking back over some of the things I blogged this year, I have gone through some really angry and lonely periods in my life. I made a lot of mistakes, and figured out that I don't have all the answers, and I am going to mess up....a lot. I have always prided myself on my ability to know what I am feeling and being able to convey that to other people. But the first problem with that is my pride, that's one of the first things that I have had to eat a lot of lately. Humility is an uncomfortable thing. It's helpless and sometimes lonely, it's embarrassing and vulnerable. I don't like humility, part of my pride speaking again, I am sure...but you sure do learn from it. I am not claiming to have life figured out, or even myself completely but I'm finally willing to get dirty and accept my faults. That was a huge undertaking for me, and it's been a long time coming. Being pregnant, and having all these emotions you don't know where they came from or what to do with also brought out in me emotions I had been unwilling to face for a while. I am kind of enjoying myself now, I feel better, and the stress I put on myself to be perfect I still struggle with from time to time, but I am trying to forgive myself and let myself be human. So I am glad to say, no, I am not perfect and I'm finally okay with that.